OpenTelemetry Specification
The OpenTelemetry Specification SIG works to specify requirements and expectations for all language implementations. This includes specifications for APIs, SDKs, and data format. New Relic serves as a pull request approver in this project and actively contributes to the specification and discussions to evolve the specification.
OpenTelemetry Java SDK
New Relic serves as a maintainer and major contributor to the Java SDK project.
OpenTelemetry Go SDK
New Relic serves as a maintainer and major contributor to the Go SDK project.
OpenTelemetry .NET SDK
New Relic contributes to the .NET SDK project.
OpenTelemetry C++ SDK
New Relic contributes to the C++ SDK project.
OpenTelemetry Java Auto-Instrumentation
New Relic contributes to the Java Auto-Instrumentation project.
OpenTelemetry Collector
New Relic contributes to the OpenTelemetry Collector project. The Collector serves as a central service to receive, process, and export OpenTelemetry data.
OpenTelemetry Ruby SDK
New Relic contributes to the Ruby Auto-Instrumentation project.
OpenTelemetry Erlang SDK
New Relic contributes to the Erlang project.